Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm back!

I deeply apologize for the lack of postings recently. Moving to a new house has been a major time occupier. The luxury of having our clothes washed, plates cleaned aren't there anymore. So on top of my usual routine, there isn't much time or energy left to blog about anything.

Secondly I'm officially a Mac user now. It still feel kinda strange to me, the OS and keyboard shortcuts are totally different from what I was accustomed to for the past 28 years. Having gotten it, I spent much lesser time in front of my computer. (The time has gone to my Nintendo Wii recently)

Anyway I'm starting to get the hang of it but I still prefer Firefox over Safari.

Now that I had settled into my new home, it's back to normal routine of just work and play(and school but that's only til Dec). I'm catching Transformers tomorrow (FINALLY!) and feel like doing something outdoor this weekend. I haven't had a good sweat-out since my RT and that was like Jan. So it's half a year of no exercise. If this carries on, I will soon not have the privilege of laughing at fat people no more. (ARGH!)

That's some scary thought..

And I promise my readers(what's left of you) that I'll update more regularly. I would be focusing more on entrepreneurship and recruitment since these are what I had been doing for the past 4 years. Hopefully aspiring entrepreneurs and recruiters would find my opinion useful.

For potential job seekers, drop by my company's website. We may be able to help. For companies, we need your business! :D

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