Thursday, September 07, 2006

Our next generation

An interesting article from about Singapore's pampered youth. It's pretty paralle to what I had commented after reading BlinkMummy.

Is it the upbringing? The social conditioning?

They should be well aware since their first step into school that studying well is important so that one can get a good job, which basically means good pay, can have a better and easier life. This is something that parents preaches all the time.

Somehow along the way, the message got lost and all the time spent studying became merely a past time.

And this is not exclusive to youth with deep pocket parents.

Again, the long vacation after graduation so as to prolong facing up to reality.

One lady, for example, took off for a month-long backpacking Europe vacation immediately after graduation with parental approval. "I need a break before I start my career," she told them.

That trip lasted five months and cost more than S$25,000, before a threat to stop the funds forced her to return. Some wealthier kids are provided with a supplementary credit card.
This lady obviously brushed off the thought that her parents would also want a break from her bleeding them dry.

Our social conditioning had taught my generation to embrace materialism, and the next generation to become pampered and self-centred. I dare not imagine what would the following generation be gripping with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's the upbringing.. heaven forbids that Shawn will grow up to be like that!!