Saturday, January 13, 2007

Something meaning from Singapore Dreaming

I just finished the DVD of this show. For those who has yet to catch the show, please do. Especially if you are Singaporean. The stories, the characters, the settings are really something everyone can relate to.

The highlight of the movie for me must be the conversation at a coffeeshop between the character that Lim Yu Beng plays and a China women.

(Loosely translated)

China women(CW): What did you want to become when you were young?

Lim Yu Beng(LYB): I wanted to be a musician.

CW: So why didn't you become one?


LYB: What about you?

CW: I wanted to be a Fashion Designer.

LYB: Then you and I are the same!(relating to both inability to become what they want)

CW: It's different! You gave up your dream because of money. I can't achieve my dream because I don't have money. That is why what I'm doing what I am doing now. To earn enough money to realize my dream.

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