Sunday, September 30, 2007

Star Search

I was looking through Mediacorp website earlier and came across this. It's the pictures of all the contestant who made it so far into the Star Search contest.

Is it not obvious already who the winner might be this time round? How did I arrive at that? Simple. Looks. Pure looks.

Acting skills, presentation skills, confidence are all something you can learn. There are schools that just teach that and nothing else. But how are you going to change an otherwise ugly front.

You can't. You can only groom it. It's like zhnging your car. You can add the best modifications to it but if it is a proton saga, it will still be a proton saga.

Coming back to the contestant, I would put my money on Tracy Yap to win the women's category and a close fight between Reeve and Desmond.

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