Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My last post

All things must come to an end and the same goes for my blog. This is my 2nd one. My first one was actually deleted in a fit of anger(don't ask).

To all who still bother to read my mundane postings, thank you very much. I enjoy writing and will continue to do so but very likely in an anonymous manner. For people who really knows me, I am actually a very critical person. If I were to just spill all my uncensored thoughts onto my current blog, I'm quite sure I won't be on many people invitation lists.

And that is the primary reason why I'm closing this down. To write exactly how I feel.

It's not created yet. I might use blogger but the slow loading speed isn't really a pull factor..

Til then and if fate permits, you might chance upon my new blog.


1 comment:

iemuhs said...

oh dear! Where's your new blog?? :(