Friday, September 16, 2005

The Art of Moderation

The theory of moderation always occur to me. You could say it comes up in almost every stifling situation I encountered. What is this moderation theory? It simply means that everything should be done in moderation. Not too much, not too little.

To simplify it, just think of it this way. If you were asked(or forced, maybe) to eat the same chicken rice everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will just puke it all out sooner or later.

The same thing can be apply to why the high accident rate for taxi driver. They spent so much time on the road, it's an overkill. The rule of probability will validate it.

Irregardless what kind of situation, I believe moderation is the key. Not too much, but also not too little.

So how to achieve it? It all comes down to discipline and seeing the larger picture. Is chicken rice going extinct? Are you the only taxi-driver on the road(I know you gotta do it for a living but that is beside my point)

One has to understand that there are many aspects of life, not just that few you are currently doing). There are many things out there to be appreciated within your short duration of life.

It's quality, never quantity. The only situation that is vice versa is if the thing we are talking about is money.

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