Sunday, September 04, 2005

Who can have a worst Sat than me

1.25pm: Unreluctantly changed and start to leave my house for my office. It is drizzling by the way. Supposed to have soccer at 3.30pm. Brought all my stuff along.
2.15pm: (mood not very good) And why did I go to office. To burn incense *slap on the forehead* As you can see by now, I'm not very religious. So asking me to go all the way to tanjong pagar to do these is a very big hassle.

The consolation is we did it at the back alley. I hate to do it at the front which we normally does. All the stares and stuff. There was once tourist even take photos. Thanks hor. Just what I need at that time. Someone to take photos of me sweating like nobody's business.

Ok. Task's done. Going to office to enjoy some aircon. F***!!!! Forgot to bring the access pass.
3.00pm: Got a drink from nearby 7-11 and took a train back to tampines. Look forward to the soccer game although my ankle still hurts.
3.45pm: Reached there finally. Waiting for Jonathan and called the organizer when we can't see anyone at the pitch. F***!!!! Soccer was cancelled!! But where was that sms! And why cancelled? Coz no soccer ball. WTF! Soccer ball not so expensive to get one more right.

This is only half of the nonsense I got today. The 2nd half tops it up and confirm my luck was down. Very very down.

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