Sunday, July 23, 2006

Not welcome

Came back from my usual soccer game at Tanjong Katong. Normally I'll go alone but today, 5 of my friends came along.

By default, there would usually be at least 12 players there. Thus today we had about 18.

We were hoping we could play a league or something but alas it never happened. The 12 just kept playing by themselves. How come? Well, something like the following incident.

We had a couple of games on weekdays over at AMK. During the first time, one of the guy there even welcomed us with open arms as most of them are in their 40s and couldn't possibly play for 2 straight hours. More people = more chance to take a breather.

The 2nd time we were there, we were playing a league of 3 teams. With the winner stays format, we were on the court most of the time. After the game, I heard the same guy saying that they should implement an age category. Sore loser. But then again, they booked(and paided for) the court so what can we say?

My skin is only so thick so I guessed there won't be a next time at AMK.

Something similiar about both incidents. The other teams are people who are double our age and in most cases, we would be dominating.

We can't do much about the age but it got me thinking. If we were losing and losing badly, would it be a different kind of reaction?

If the way we lose makes them look good and impressive, would they actually welcome our participation instead?



Anonymous said...

Or it is possible to have a mix of different age group pple in each team? Then they would keep quiet..

adriantan18 said...

Well, maybe. Although most of the time they play in fixed groupings.

I guess I should take up something that require lesser people. Like playing football on xbox.