Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Ti-Ki(stubborn) women

It came to my attention quite some time ago that there is a segment of Singaporean women who are very obnoxious. I call them ti-ki women, some of them even attain the Super ti-ki women status.

How do I tell if they are? Oh, it's vveeerry obvious. They are the kind of people who must do things THEIR way but the kind of things are really so mundane and minute that typical human beings will not even be bothered by.

They are the kind of people who frequently wrote to ST Forum complaining about every single show that Mediacorp is busting their butt to come up with. They are the ones who would complain about the sexual theme, the single mother theme, the children play game don't want to go to sleep theme. Basically they are the ones who feel that TV(esp Channel 8 shows) can seriously brainwash a lot of people.

They are also the ones who would sign off with not only their name, but also the fact that they are (Ms) or (Mdm).

They are also the ones that complain about WWE being shown on TV on late nights and bearing a negative influence on their children when these group of children should have been made to go to bed.

They are the group of people who over react over the slightest possible issues. They would use words like outrageous, ridicule their intelligence, shocked, disgusted. These are also normally the same group of people who would earn a spinster title in their later life.

Personally I am also disgusted(hey, I'm using their lingo) by these kind of people. But as with all things, if you don't irrirate me, I won't reciprocate.

But today, one of their kind step on my toe. The fact that I wasn't in a pleasant mood at that point in time didn't help. Basically I had over-calculated her salary and over paid her. It came to my attention only today. Thus I told her we will do the appropriate deduction in her next pay.

Not a big deal to me. I didn't underpay her or delay her pay.

She retorted that she is shocked to know about it and feel that it is outrageous(???). She quoted e.g about her ex comp whose payroll made such mistake today and over paid someone's claim. Ooookaaay.

I don't know. Maybe throughout her life, she never made a mistake before. I made one, apologize and told her what could be done at her least inconvenience. I could have asked her to draw out the amount and return it to us but that would be so stupid and troublesome.

Thus I was appalled to witness her reaction. Seriously, what is the deal here? If you look at it from another angle, I am basically paying her a portion of her NEXT salary earlier.

I am not indemnifying myself from the mistake but to react in such manner is a bit too over for me.

Coming back, such people are also mostly well-educated, sufficient enough to know their rights and probably won't have a huge network of friends. They would also be the same kind of people who would scrutinize every single word of a terms and conditions, super paranoid about every policy and services did not address their exact demands.

These kind of people, please stay away from me.


Unknown said...

cool down... there are lots of such people around.

otherwise, you may need another retail therapy.

oh... i hope you are calculating and paying my salary. do remember to add a few more zeros (dollars not cents) behind. i definitely will not highlight the mistake to you!


adriantan18 said...

Neh.. I don't need another retail therapy.

I need a holiday. WooHoo!