Monday, November 14, 2005

My next rollerblade challenge

I shall conquer the 10 km this weekend. Muhahaha

Singaporeans can now take a stroll from one park to another via a 10 kilometre-long connector.

At a Clean and Green Week Carnival on Saturday, National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan announced the completion of the Coast-to-Coast Park Connector.

The connector links East Coast Park to Pasir Ris Park and is just one part of a 170-kilometre long network.

Mr Mah said the whole network was expected to be ready in about 10 years.

At the event at Bedok Reservoir, Mr Mah also launched the 'Green Fingers' initiative to encourage the public to take ownership of the surrounding environment. - CNA /ch


Celest Khoo said...

now you can blade w AO from Tampines to Pasir Ris Park then to East Coasy Park.
she'll get the supermodel legs.....

aspiringwife said...

wow, super model legs.. hmmm.. but i dont know whether I can survive to see those legs wor.. hahaha