Wednesday, March 01, 2006


It used to fascinate me about the criteria of Social Development Unit a.k.a. SDU.

I had wanted to join this when i was much younger. Where else can you pay a nominal fee and be in the same room with group of opposite sex who has the same objective in mind? :)

Reference to their website, you could not help but note that SDU only accept members of certain qualification. Very similiar to the current employment market.

If you think about it, it does make sense. You wouldn't hire a PSLE to be an accountant.
So why should a person consider a likewise to manage something as dynamic and delicate as a relationship?

I was telling my friend one reason why I think some people may faces so much relational conflicts may because of one thing. Intelligence. Or rather the lack of it.

Using education as a yardstick for measurement may not be very accurate but I
reckon it can sift at least 70%?

Having the opportunity to communicate with people of different levels of intelligence, you can tell that smarter people way of thinking and wavelength are of a higher echelon. They see the big picture.

Every conversation is a learning opportunity and very enriching. And I don't think it is a coincident that these people happen to have good grades in school, came from SAP school, top their university, on scholarship, etc.

Conversely, people from the other end of the spectrum I've met so far have big egos, thin skin and sometime really lack common sense in the direction they take. Yes there are a few street smarts one who went on to create their own empire but how many of them are out there, espcially from the current generation.

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