Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Down with cough...

After a week of torturous coughing, i finally relented and went to see my GP.

It took me one week as my chinese medicine keeps giving me false impression that I'm recovering. Worse is my cough always seemed to be gone in the morning to only come back in full force by night time. I didn't know cough also comes with timing.

I sure had a good nap this afternoon (4 hrs) that I'm having a headache now. Had wanted to go to Chinatown to take a few pictures. Guess that would have to be pushed to the last day this Friday.

Unfortunately my phone take lousy pics at night so I should be bringing along my camera. So tourist. But I realised that my pictures folder is pretty outdated. With my last vacation in July 05, I didn't really get much chance to use my camera since.

Shall bombard my blog with more pics real soon. Like the saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words.

No wonder my blog so no traffic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

not a good time to be sick.

pls take care!